JavaScript library made by The Rat of Danques: Danques.js


Documentation on constants, functions, functionalities, procedures, and others

DANQUES: number
The number 28942715764.
ダンケス函數(): number
Returns a pseudorandom number that is 0 or more but less than DANQUES.
ダンケス関数(a: number, b: number): number
I don't remember what it does. Maybe it's about Fermat's little theorem. You should leave comments properly.
ダンケス函数(): number
Returns 1.
DanquesFunction(a: number, b: number): number
Returns the greatest common divisor of a and b.
DanquesFunctionality(elem: HtmlElement, texts?: Object | undefined)
Creates a lousy JavaScript playground and places it in elem. texts represents the texts used in the playground. Default texts are used when some texts are left unspecified. All text IDs and meanings are the following:
  • code: The placeholder text on the code entry column.
  • run: The text on "run the code" button.
  • result: The placeholder text on the execution result field.
  • reset: The text on "reset the outputs" button.

Playground - feel free to use the above objects!

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